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OPCE II Monitoring Committee

The mission of the Monitoring Committee of the OP Competitiveness and Entrepreneurship is to monitor the effectiveness and quality of implementation of this operational programme.
Within this framework, the Monitoring Committee:

(a) Examines and approves the eligibility criteria of operations to be financed and approves any revisions to these criteria in accordance with planning needs. The groups of eligibility criteria may include the following:

  • the feasibility of the operation,
  • the compatibility of the operation with national and Community policies,
  • the contribution of the operation to the objectives of the operational programme,
  • the nature and type of the operation within the framework of the call being conducted,
  • the completeness and maturity of the operation.

(b) Periodically examines the progress made towards achieving the special objectives of the operational programme.

(c) Examines the results of implementation, particularly the achievement of the objectives set for each priority axis, and provides directions to the SMS OPCE for the achievement of such objectives, examines the evaluations conducted during the programming period, in accordance with the provisions of Article 48 of the Regulation,

(d) Examines and approves the annual and final implementation reports before they are dispatched to the Commission,

(e) Receives information concerning the annual control report or the section of the report that concerns the relevant operational programme, as well as any related comments made by the Commission following the examination of the report in question or the relevant section thereof,

(f) Recommends any revision or examination of the operational programme to the SMS OPCE that may, potentially, contribute to the achievement of its objectives or the improvement of its management, including its financial management,

(g) Examines and approves any proposal concerning amendments to the contents of the Commissions decisions in regard to the contribution of the Structural Funds,

(h) Proposes to the annual meeting of the chairs of the Monitoring Committees any amendments that result in changes to the overall and annual contribution of the Structural Funds.

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Co-financed by Greece and the European Union - European Regional Development Fund